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Build a better kayak than you can buy

On choosing, building and using canoes, kayaks, paddles and small boats

Choosing is about dimensions, characteristics, performance, equipment and other things that influences the choice of a kayak or canoe to buy or build.

Building is information on the building method, a complete online building manual for kayaks canoes and paddles, and facts on materials.

Paddling contains advice on paddling techniques, safety in kayaks and canoes, as well as online classes on navigation, meteorology, touring and maritime common sense.

Reading is articles on the history and geography of kayaks, canoes and paddles, a commented list of related books, links etc.

The latest news and launching reports

Thule – Roberto Yáñez

Thule – Roberto Yanez, Nautilus Kayaks

The busy and very competent kayak shop Nautilus Kayaks i Cadiz, Spain recently launched a new Thule. Other kayaks from Roberto are a Njord, a couple of Frej, a Black Pearl, a Jehu, and a Spray – and several other kayaks from Guillemot and others. In the pipeline is also a new, yet unpublished prototype training/racing kayak

A couple of photos of the new Thule:

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Frej – Wolfgang Hofmeister

Hi Björn, Some pictures of my recently completed Frej. I used red cedar and paulownia wood. Inside it is one layer carbon fibre… Read full post

Verkligheten vs Industrial Light & Magic

En notis nästan helt utan koppling till kajaker och paddlande. Nästan? Ja, namnet Black Pearl finns trots allt med på ett hörn… Read full post

Framtidens kajaker i linne och stärkelse?

En fransk konstruktör har byggt ett par spännande kajaker i nygamla material. Istället för glasfiber använde han lin – lika sta… Read full post

Kränga väder?

I det stora landet i väster har en republikansk senator vid namn Rick Santorum lagt fram ett lagförslag som går ut på att förbj… Read full post

More news and launchings…


  1. Thule – Roberto Yáñez
  2. Frej – Wolfgang Hofmeister
  3. Panthera – Rick Shilliday
  4. Frej – Mats Antonsson
  5. Frej – Marcel Rosefort
  6. Tidigare i somras gick en riktigt skönhet i vattnet – en ny Kanotyawl
  7. Two new Frej
  8. Njord – Guido Galbariggi
  9. Frej – Christoffer Hellman
  10. Nanoq – Rune J. Meijer

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