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Design & Illustration

a Kavat in Denmark - Jens Lund

Jens Lunds Kavat

Hello Bjørn

My Kavat is finished at last. She is named Ronja, from Astrid Lindgren´s Ronia the Robber's Daughter .

Launched in Glarskogen in Wermland this july – she is after all a swedish kayak!!!

Built with neoprene covered hatches, bulkheads but without skeg!!!

It turns on a high brace and is a very handy and ful kayak. My wife eyes it longingly, but if I am to build another kayak, I think it will be an Isfjord or a BP.

I have not logged the time but it has taken some...

Jens Lund
Kolding, Danmark


den var sgu rigtigt flott den der.

hober de bliver en god fornøjelse at ta den ud på turer.

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