A Kavat in lake Vänern
Friday, June 15, 2007, 1 comments
Per Andersson has built and launched a new Kavat in lake Vänern.
"Hi Björn!
Finally my first kayak is finished. After some testing and a weekend tour I am really hooked on paddling. I started building in July last year and in May it was finished. It was a test to find out if I was all thumbs, but everything went together nicely, and it seems most fingers are correctly positioned. Admittedly, a friend who happens to be a skilled boatbuilder, have contributed with knowledge and motivation - and some hands-on assistance. This summer my goal is a couple of long distance tours and to learn to roll. After that there may be a new kayak building project - a Black pearl maybe…
Have a nice summer!
Per Andersson"