A late launching report
Thursday, September 20, 2007, 1 comments

Hello Björn!
Send a couple of pics of my Kavat. The kayak was finished in 2003 and built for my son from the plans in your book. At the time I had not found your web site, and invented a deck shape of my own, as you can see.
I prepared for a rudder, but have not installed one yet - never felt the need
I pack from the cockpit in drybags, but aft I have a hatch/bulkhead.
Thanks for a nice chat at the Helsingborg Boat Fair on sunday when I got the opportubity to test your Njord, which I considered building. After a little more thinking, and some stormy weeks in my home waters (Höganäs-Kullaberg-Jonstorp) I have decided upon a Black Pearl instead.
This summer I built two different Greenland paddles, and like them more and more, so inspried by the chat I went home and pulled off my first rolls in my Reval RS - likely to be my touring kayak in the future.
Mostly my paddling is one to two hours along the coast, play and excercise, and for that Black Pearl seems ideal, encouraging me to enjoy even the windier days.
I had no problems at all with balance in the Njord, but how about the Black Pearl compared to Njord?
Lars Johansson