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Design & Illustration

A new Njord from CSFW

Nereida – a Njord destined for Spain

Dan Caouettes latest kayak project – a Njord for a Spanish customer – is almost finished. In the photo the last finishing coats have been applied.

To get that incredible gloss Dan hired a professional finisher, 4 coats of DuPont ChromaPremier 72700S three part automotive urethane. More information will be available soon on Dan´s site.

Update a little later: Here is Dan´s posting.


Yeah and that was BEFORE he polished it! =D

My jaw dropped when I first saw it. When I brought it home this morning my wife spent about a half hour just running her hands over it. She's quite jealous. I am too!

I'll have better images on my website this afternoon.


A lot of people have read and most likely enjoyed the pictures of your work, Dan. For sure, it´s a beauty...

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