A white Hunter in Gothenburg
Monday, April 2, 2007, 5 comments
There was a mail from Rune Eurénius in Gothenburg, about the Hunter he started to build five months ago. It was completed just in time to enjoy the unusually warm spring weather. (My translation): "I find it very beautiful, easily driven and insensitive to wind! The low deck is liberating, with enough leg room and the built-down rim is a perfect knee support. The load capacity is enough for my archepilago tours. A little tippy initially, but in spite of a paddling experience limited to just one summer in my Kavat I feel safe and secure. But I keep to protected waters for the moment, having not quite mastered the roll.
To complement the kayak I carved a GP - slightly on the heavy side, but much more comfortable than my other paddle. The next one...
As an experiment I built a pedal manoevering for the skeg. The line goes through a clamcleat on deck and can be handled by hand as well. The tiny pedal is unobtrusive and works quite nicely. Easy to remove, should I find it superfluous.
The pedal arrangement is constructed of carbon fibre tubing, stainless steel wire and a few pieces of wood.
My Hunter is 546 cm long and weights 17 kg, including foam bulkheads, wooden hatches and carbon fibre skeg.
Looking forward to a long paddling season - it couldn´t have started better :-)
Rune Eurénius