Accepting credit cards
Tuesday, August 12, 2008, 5 comments

A major update of the commercial part of the site is just finished. Now I can accept payments via credit cards, thus simplifying the transactions, mainly for customers outside Sweden. Of course it will still be possible to pay with an invoice, for those who wish.
PayPal handle the business part of the transaction - a simple, quick and secure onlöine payment. When you "check out" you will be referred to a PayPal page where you can use most shopping cards or use your PayPal-account (or create one; free and quick). The service is encrypted and protected - I just get a message that the payment is done so I can ship your order. Depending on how you set up your account, you can pay from your computer, from the cellphone or via an USB-memory.
Another minor update is that URL:s are now human readable instead of an nondescript id-number. But old links and favorites are still working.