Black Pearl - Henrik Kronborg
Wednesday, September 10, 2008, 2 comments

Hi Björn
Finally my Black Pearl is finished. It has been an exciting process, but also one that took some time. I started on January 8, and was done August 23.
On my website (that expires on October 10) I have describes thye building process. The URL is: http://henrik.kronborg.nielsen.person.emu.dkk

It was amazing to launch the Pearl first time, and take the seat. It is a very lively boat, and I have a little practicing to do, before feeling quite in control. It rolls very easily and I have ordered a tuiliq to further expand the repertoire of rolls. Nice with a kayak where you can lay comfortably on the aft deck.
I cound not attend the qajaq meetings at Limfjorden or Fyn this year, but hope to meet you at some other time and place.
It may be that I build another Black Pearl later. I have learnt a lot with the first one, and it is tempting to repeat the process, with a few changes in the building methodsthe new confidence and competence. I submit a couple of photos, takes by Erik Franzen and Lone Himmelstrup.

Thanks for a remarkable design, nice paperwork and a very good website.
Henrik Kronborg
Nakskov Havkajakklub