Black Pearl - Peter Nelly
Saturday, June 20, 2009, 0 comments

"Hi Björn!
With one day to go to the summer vacation, I finished it. No time to find a suiting spaydeck, so I´ll have to do with the old, for now...

Reasonably satisfied with my first attempt at kayak building, have learned a lot, not the least through mistakes.
It tipped the scale at 15,5 kg, which was a surprice considering the at times somewhat sloppy epoxy management!

Took a short tour on the lake this evening, slightly tippy initially, but surpricingly managed a cowboy-rescue! Rolling was a piece of cake, perhaps no surprice there. =)
Now I´ll just have to get used to sit with feet angled forward.
I am sure we will have a lot of fun, thanks for a very satisfying project. No doubt there will be one for the girlfriend as well.
Best regards
Peter Nelly"