Exciting paddling project in Kanada/Alaska
Wednesday, June 6, 2007, 2 comments

Lars Alexius, a couple of years ago member of the same kayak club as I, is now in Canada for a very exciting kayak project. He is building a driftwood baidarka with hand made tools, sewing his own clothes, sleeping bag, pack bags in cotton, wool, furs etc, impregnated with beeswax and linseed oil, living on what the sea and nature provides, lighting fires with flint and tinder during a 3000 km paddling along the coasts of Alaska and Canada (maybe stretched to 5000 km, depending on sponsoring etc).
Crazy? Maybe, but there is a very solid and healthy plan behind - apart from living in harmony with and being part of the nature, about showing how appropriate and reliable these natural materials and methods really are - in a time where the rest of us have become totally dependant on nature-alien high-tech petroleum based products for just about every aspect of outdoor life.
Lars have a site with a lot of info on the project. Don´t forget to download the film trailer!