Hunter on Ireland – Etienne Muller
Saturday, August 2, 2014 (Hunter, launching), 1 comments

The other week Etienne Muller on Ireland launched his new kayak: an impressively well-built Hunter. As always Etiennes projects are inspirational and a pleasure to follow. A photo gallery on his site shows the project in 126 instructional photos, and on the KayakForum he has published updates from the start, with many interesting discussions among the comments.
"The Hunter has been launched. Very happy with the results of the whole project. It came in at under 18kg - 39lbs, which I am happy with.
First time out was flat calm, so no experience of rough water yet, or tracking challenges, or skeg deployment yet.
More to come.
Thanks Bjorn, it was a really fun project.
Some photos from the gallery: