Late summer or early fall
Sunday, September 21, 2008, 4 comments

This little fellow sat on a stone some hundred meters out in the water off Vikhög - more curious than scared, but when he had studied me for a while he swan to a safer stone. A couple of decades back there were a lot of minks (american minks) along the coast but it is now a number of years since I last saw one.

This is Lomma bay - shallows with barely two feet of water almost a kilometer out in the sound. Good for lone winter tours - if something should happen, you can probably walk home. A very low water added to the situation this time.

One of my favorite places for a short paus during fall, winter and spring - the reed beach in a bird protection area on Löddenäs. Complete shelter from the southeasterly wind, and summer hot on the dry reeds.