Mats with a new Wooden Pearl
Wednesday, August 5, 2009, 7 comments
For a number of good reason I am behind schedule with launchings posts, but I will catch up eventually. Here is Mats Antonsson with a beautiful wooden pearl. (I noticed that Mats was buying a spraydeck the other day)

Hi Björn.
The time between Lilac and Bird Cherry was very short this year, but I have arranged so I can spend most of the year between Lilac and Bird Cherry (kayak tips are in those wood species - and it all is a reference to an old Swedish saying that the time between the flowering of these two species are the best part of the year - a time when shoemakers journeymen were free to roam the country after new masters and the masters were said to put a sign on the door: "closed between Lilac and Bird Cherry)
Apart from those the kayak is built in Western Red Cedar
Some deck hardware and another finishing coat is missing, but the kayak is at least "rolled in".
Pics from building.

I tried your pearl in June 2008 and realized that another kayak was absolutely needed.
Hi again
Now I have had the time to test drive the pearl on lake and in sea. Not only is it very easy to roll, it paddles quite nice too. According to an old bathroom scale it weights barely 12 kg! I have also applied the last finishing coats, attached lines and built a storm paddle. If hardware in bone shaped as seals is beutiful or just nerdy I leave to the beholder.
Updated pics