New HBB kayak...
Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 26 comments

During the round-Orust race this summer, there were some talking of HBB (Sea kayakers blue ribbon: the Swedish coast from Svinesund to Haparanda) and a suitable kayak for this. The Njord was suggested (David and I paddled Njord with a good result). The thought of a special version was suggested and a lot of ideas and views were ventilated.
Now it seems that at least four paddlers will use Njord to paddle the coast during the coming two or three years.
Inspired by this interest I have opened a new design file in the computer, and will, in cooperation with these paddlers decide on the criteria. A few things are self-evident: High touring pace with minimal effort, comfort in waves so a paddler can sit relaxed without tiring work with the back and waist, load capacity (we are aiming at shop stops every third day as a reasonable compromize, with the possibility to go a couple extra days when needed). Longer interval means that the kayak will be unnescessary heavy during parts of the trip. The hull will be similar to the Njord, but with a little of the Sea Racer added - plus a few exciting ideas from other sources...
It will differ from traditional sea racers, multisport kayaks and surfskis by being "nice" to the paddler for very long daily runs - a litle top speed is sacrificed for comfort and endurance. I plan to draw two configurations: one with a low deck, small cockpit and retractable skeg for greenland style paddlers and one with higher deck, rudder, rotating seat for racing paddlers.
I guess there are more potential HBB-paddlers thinking along there lines. What would you like to see in a long distance touring kayak? (the HBB is approx 1200-1300 NM to be paddled without other pauses than nightly stops). Write a comment with your views...