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Design & Illustration

New pages with rolling pics

Cross arm roll

At the Sommadagarna - a water festival in lake Sommen in August, I did a couple of Greenland rolling demos. At one of these Peter Schedwin sat on a float nearby with a camera. The result he shipped to me on a CD some days later.

And so good were these pics, that I immediately began thinking of rolling instructions pages built on them - pages that could inspire other Greenland rolling aficionados. Here is a few of those new pages (instructions in Swedish yet, but I will translate soon) - they are of course also in the main menu left ("Paddling-Kayak paddling-Eskimo roll"):

Shotgun roll
Hand roll
Norsaq roll
Storm roll
Balance braceReversed sweep roll


Vilka fantastiska bilder! Det pirrar ju i hela kroppen när man tittar på dem. Tror jag börjar snö in på grönlandsrollar för jag vill genast ut och prova. Tack Björn och Peter

God model - dygtig fotograf - meget inspirerende.

Lysande! Stillbilder med kommentarer till de olika delmomenten ger mig mer information än videopresentationer.

Man tackar och bockar :-)

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