Njord in a new color
Tuesday, July 6, 2010, 12 comments
A few years ago Magnus Jonsson launched a very handsome grey Njord, followed a year later by a shining red Black Pearl. Now I got a mail from Magnus that the Njord is red too – even more red than the Pearl.
"Hi Björn!
The old grey Njord receiver a makeover duing the spring. After testing a lot of possible paint schemes I eventually chose red for the Njord also – actually even "redder" than the Pearl. I also tested a new (to me) brand with very promising result. Temadur 90 is made by Tikkurila and is acrylpolyurethane, that can be blended to all imaginable nuances (RAL and NCS systems)
Attach a couple of pics and wish you a nice summer.
Magnus Jonsson"
Thanks Magnus! I have not tried the Temadur 90, but here is a data sheet to download. Looks promising...