No kits for a while
Thursday, January 8, 2009, 7 comments

No kits will be available to my kayak and canoe plans for a while. Haveriet has due to changed circumstances closed his business. I am negotiating with two possible new partners, but it may take some time before shipments is up to normal - it takes time to adjust the tools, order wood of sufficient quality etc. I will notify here when I can ship again.
For those in need there are one alternative - Petrus kajak in Tranås kan ship good quality strips, but only sawn, not bead-and-cove. BeHåPe is shipping epoxy and glass and carbon fibre as usual. Petrus also builds glass- and carbonfibre cockpit rims and hatch recesses .

On another note: the winter has finally arrived in Scaniae (southernmost tip of Sweden) - fresh northwesterly and piles of heavy icepack along my launching beach! But it is OK. With the bad flu i got from my grandchildren, fighting ice and winds in my Black Pearl does not feel like the proper prescription for the moment.