Patent infringement? Me? No...
Sunday, October 29, 2017 (Patent), 0 comments
I reorganized the content on my disc drive the other day and found this somewhat surrealistic dispute with an American patent attorney.
It started a few years ago when Fedex delivered a package for me to sign. In it, I found an envelope with a rather pompous-looking sender address in gold – and a sharp allegation for patent infringement concerning the Fisherman 12 I designed for Seabird Designs. For a moment there I think my heart skipped a beat...
But now, a couple of years later, it seems more ludicrous than scaring and is actually quite amusing to read – if American patent regime ever is amusing (oh, but it is!).
(Might perhaps add that it is, in the first place, not the company nor their attorney I want to target, but a basically flawed patent system.)