Red Pearl - Magnus Jonsson
Wednesday, June 17, 2009, 13 comments
Ferrarired Pearl in Dalarna
A mail from Magnus Jonsson in Falun got me to put work and deadlines aside for a while and just enjoy. So beautiful! But it is not the first time...
"Hello Björn!

A greenlandic Ferrari…..
For my latest kayak I had the traditional greenlandic dimensions and lines of your BP meet Ferraris red color and carbon. It is an exciting contrast that links now and then. It is almost with a sad feeling I remove the finished creation from the shop. But now is the start of its life. I look forward to the first scratch, when in an instant a sharp stone or ar a protruding nail on the float cuts the finish and transforms the brand new to "then" and tha kayak can be used in full. Thanks, Björn for a kayak with beautiful lines and exciting qualities.
Best regards
Magnus Jonsson