Shanghai 2013
Saturday, March 23, 2013, 4 comments
A line of news kayaks/surfskis is slowly evolving in the shop and on the computer, and since there were some new features conferring with the craftsmen in China was needed. It was for a number of reasons a very short trip, but the wooden plugs looked fine and some small issues were ironed out before growing into problems.
More info will come when we gets closer to production. The plan is that at least one or two of the first production kayaks will be shown at the trade shows in the fall, and that the kayaks will be available in early 2014.
I stayed at the most sumptuous hotel I have ever seen – a luxuary so excessive that it almost became comical. Is this how the filthy rich are trying to drown out thoughts of life's nothingness ;-)
Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate: dense fog and some light showers – and neither time nor opportunity for photo excursions.
Maybe another time...