Spindrift – Lauri Ovaska
Sunday, July 4, 2021, 0 comments

"Hi Björn!
I completed my Spindrift -surfski/kayak conversion a couple of weeks ago. The kayak is 560 cm long and it weighs 19 kg. Foot pedals are slightly trimmed (to fit under the deck) Touring Footboard from Stellar kayaks and rudder from Smart Track. The seat is carved from a minicell block.
I have now experience of 100 km including a couple of evening paddles with empty kayak, and a weekend trip with kayak fully packed with camping gear. Kayak is exactly what I wanted it to be: a fast sea kayak with a rudder for better control while surfing. Especially when cruising without gear it is faster than my last year built Njord, but also significantly less stable. When packed it is actually quite stable even in waves. I am glad that I have now two wooden kayaks for different types of paddling needs :)
Thanks again for a nice design!
Best regards,