Sport 395 –Julius Viitanen
Monday, April 25, 2011, 3 comments

Mail and a link to photos of a beautifully built Sport 395 from Finland.
I ordered plans for the Sport 395 canoe over a year ago from you and now my canoe is ready! Here is some pictures of it:
I made yesterday first test drive and it feels quite good to paddle. Here in Finland is still some ice in the sea so testdrive was quite short. Wind was also over 6 m/s so it was littlebit difficult to paddle alone. My paddling technique is also quite poor. I think that when I get better paddling technique, then this canoe is very good for fishing and making short trips when the weather is nice.

I did not route strips, but I still glued strips together everytime I put new strip. When last strip was on place, I filled biggest voids and sanded the hull to smooth shape.

At the thighest curve in hull the stips started to plunge, so I put one strip closer to keel and add strips to get the hole closed. I took more time, but it looks quite good. Maybe in longer and narrower canoe there is no plunging.
If I made another canoe or kayak, I will order the plans from you.
Best regards,
Julius Viitanen"