The new kayak plans finished...
Saturday, March 5, 2011, 28 comments

A couple of weeks ago I forewarned that a new kayak was coming. Now I have drawn, calculated, adjusted, redrawn, recalculated, readjusted in numerous iterations – and finally have declared the plans done...
So this is the Frej: a tough kayak for surfing, play and touring in tough conditions (not that it wouldn´t do well on a calm sunny summers day, but the focus has been on safety and comfort in bad weather). The name Frej comes from the nordic mythology: Frej was the son of Njord, who was the god of the sea. And since Frej is a developed from the Njord hull...
Now who builds the first Frej?
Update March 17:
After a discussion on likeness or not in the comments below, I drew the profiles and station shape in front of the cockpit for those kayaks mentioned for a visual comparison (the comment are in Swedish and disciussed the visual resemblance between some wellknown Swedish kayaks): Ulf Johansson's Corsa GT, Johan Linder's Clapotis, my Njord and Frej and one of John Winter's old kayaks (the North Sea) – one of the "forefathers" of this kind of hull. Though there is some resemblance in the profile, the stations show different kayaks altogether: in bottom shape, chines, deck, sheer, height, lateral balance...