Hunter – Bruce Webb
Sunday, March 11, 2012 (Hunter, Sjösättning), 0 comments

I got a couple of photos from Bruce in North Carolina, the launching of his Hunter in the Intracoastal Waterway and a short report from the premiere tour.
"Dear Bjorn,
I took a couple pictures before launching the new boat yesterday and have left them full size as you requested. The boat is going to take a little getting used to, as I haven't paddled anything this narrow before, but she sure is fast! It is really a lot of fun in the water, and almost seemed more stable in chop and waves than on flat water. Very responsive to leans and edging. It is very maneuverable with the skeg up, and tracks like a train with the skeg down. Exaclty what I was hoping for. I hope the pictures come through okay.
Thanks again for designing such a nice boat.
Bruce Webb
New Bern, North Carolina"

Thank you, Bruce, for a lovely interpretation of my design! The "almost more stable in chop than on flat water" part is an intentional balancing of the initial and secondary stability. Hunter is designed to shine in challenging conditions. Flat water is a minor problem that a little practice takes care of. Glad you noticed ;-)