Njord – Lauri Ovaska
Thursday, May 14, 2020 (Njord, Sjösättning), 0 comments

Här är en nybyggd Njord som sjösattes i Helsingforstrakten för ett par veckor sedan.
"Hi there Björn!
Here is a couple of pictures from my first build Njord. Project took about 280 hours, not all of them very effective, but mostly fun!
I was planning to shorten the kayak to 546 cm length, but I forgot to shorten the inner stems so the actual length is about 550 cm :) Front deck is raised 2 cm following your instructions. Hatches and skeg are from Kajaksport, hatch recesses are from Petrus Kajak, footrests are from Smarttrack and seat is an foam seat from NDK. I did install an Suunto SK-8 compass from underside of the deck, and I think it looks good and feels strong enough to sit there without any extra protection housing. Final weight of the kayak is 22-23 kg depending on the day when measured with an old bathroom scale.
Kayak is really comfortable to sit in and performs very well in water. I have made a couple of daytrips with it and it is easy to keep up relatively high pace up for long periods of time.
Thank you for great design, informative websites and answers to my emails during the building process!
Best regards, Lauri"