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Design & Illustration

Underhållning i kajaklägret…

Alla funderingar på att packa med sig musikinstrument i kajaken för de långa kvällarna vid lägerelden kan läggas ner. Här har vi nu en man som visar vägen mot ett mera personligt sätt att ackompanjera sjungandet. Man kommer långt med fantasi…



looking forward to your performance at Stocken. You have 2,5 months to practise.

- Tom -

Would be fun, wouldn´t it? I was hoping you or someone else would find it unresistably tempting…

I, on the other hand, use whatever practice time I can squeeze in to get my handrolls in shape. I am beginning to suspect that my way is a cul-de-sac - have not been able to develop then into forward leaning, sweeping back-to-front, elbow rolls etc, not even with a norsaq. When I look at Dubside, Cherri, Turner, Freya et al they seem to reach a balance-brace-like position just before sliding in over the deck, where I use a technique I happened to succeed with some years ago - the last 270 degrees one single, quick continuous movement. I believe I have to find the micropause at the surface to have time to right the kayak, before sliding in and up. I could use some coaching…

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