Ørekroken 27. november 2011, Pål Gustad, Black Pearl. Foto: Tage Solberg
den 26 juli 2021 (Black Pearl, Sjösättning), 1 kommentarer
Hi Björn,
Now my Black Pearl is finished. Built in paulownia, during 2 months. I'm very happy. She is only 14.9kg!
Thank's a lot for your design.
Link to my blog...only in French. :-( http://www.corby44.net/wordpress/kayak-black-pearl/
RegardsPatrick CHANTREL
I browsed the pictures of your blog Patrick. Quite some re-rework you had to make to the rim of the cock-pit! Impressively ambitious and it all turned out well according to the video! Well done and beautiful kayak.