Frej – Wolfgang Heuberger
den 20 december 2019 (Frej, launching), 2 kommentarer

En mycket välbyggd och lätt Frej S klar att sjösättas i Österrike. Missa inte Wolfgangs fotoblogg. Det finns gott om instruktiva bilder, snygga lösningar och intressanta idéer där.
"Hello Björn,
i am very happy and proud to tell you that i have finished my Frej.
Final dimensions are now 498/52 and 15kg. Its painted with 2K PU varnish
in RAL 7004 and fitted with Kajaksport hatches.
I used Paulownia wood for building the hull - its really very light but
not beautiful enough for a transparent surface.
During my built i documented the building process in a blog in german only but nearly without words.
I cant imagine a more beautiful christmas present and want to thank you
for this wonderful design.
best regards
Wolfgang Heuberger"