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Design & Illustration

Frej – Wolfgang Hofmeister

Frej – Wolfgang Hofmeister

Hi Björn, 

Some pictures of my recently completed Frej. I used red cedar and paulownia wood. Inside it is one layer carbon fibre, outside it's glass.

It is standard length (507 cm). The deck has been raised by about 2 cm in the feet area.

The skeg is based on Nick Schade’s concept. The coaming is 80+ cm. The hatches are flush and leakproof with rubber car gaskets. 

Viele Grüße, Wolfgang Hofmeister

Frej – Wolfgang Hofmeister

Frej – Wolfgang Hofmeister


Hi Wolfgang,

looks great your Frej.

I´m building one myself, also with a raised deck. Therefore I have some questions. What´s the weight of the kayak and what was the reason for builidng it with red cedar and paulawina?

Best regards,


I don't know if Wolfgang reads this and I don't know the weight of his Frej. But the usual reason to choose Cedar and/or Paulownia over fir/spruce is that it may reduce the kayak's weight and that many prefer the more exclusive looks of the more colorful species.

Hi Robert,

I build with Paulownia, too, to reduce the weight.

I used Kajaksport hatches, which are really heavy compared to wooden hatches, I have build for other kayaks. This resulted in 16kg for my Frej.


Thank's for your comments Björn and Marcel.

Best regards,


Hi Robert, the weight of my kayak is 14.7 kg. I have been working towards 15 kg and succeded.

Key success factors are

- The Strips are 4.5 mm x 17 mm.

- Outside it is two layers of 4 oz glas, inside one layer of 6 oz carbon.

- No Kajaksport hatches; they are wooden, flush with the deck and are vertically sealed with automotive seal.

Good luck with your boat...

Hi Robert, I fogot: western red cedar and pauwlonia because of the weight and the beautiful colour contrast...

Thank´s for your detailled comments.

Really impressive to reach 14,7 kgs, especially considering that you applied two layers of fiberglass. Excellent job !

Hi Wolfgang,

wie hast Du das Deck angehoben? Insgesamt oder nur an bestimmten Querschnitten? (Welche Übergänge?)


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