Frej XS – Mike Keeler
den 15 augusti 2023 (Frej, Sjösättning), 0 kommentarer

"Hello Bjorn, Mike Keeler here. We launched my wife's Frej XS yesterday. 1/4" cedar strip with 4 oz S glass construction. Accent strips are yellow cedar and Peruvian Walnut. All the wood was milled by Rod Tait at Orca Boats. We used 34 cm form spacings and the waterline with a 45 kg paddler looks perfect. The boat has a Kajak Sport System 4 skeg, Immersion Research Reggie back band with a carved foam seat. The boat has a little extra glass around the cockpit/rear deck and it came in at 17.73 kg or 39 lbs fully rigged. Thank you for a beautiful design.