Ett par nya Frej från sommaren som gått
den 13 september 2024 (Frej, Sjösättning), 0 kommentarer

I början av sommaren sjösattes Gerald Schlemmers nya Frej, med pompa och ståt – ett imponerande hantverk:
"Hi Björn,
we had the boat christening last Friday. We are very proud of the successful Frej kayak according to your plans.
We have a very simple appealing deck layout designed.
Data: L = 515, W = 54,5, Weight = 16 kg. Wood: Western Red Cedar, Maple, and Markassastrips.
The boat rides very well even for a paddle greenhorn like me.
There is still a lot to learn for myself. We start to build the next boat in Oktober.
Warm greetings to Sweden

Något senare under sommaren kom ännu en välbyggd Frej – den här gången från Thailand. Byggare är Taksaporn Kongwiwat och Pakin Nimmawitt.

"Hi Björn
Finally after 6 month with 370 working hr. I almost finish your design Frej, a little bit of sanding and varnish on seat is left
In my build, I modified your seat form by extending the length and used bamboo mat for a core as an experimental seat. It was a great success for me as it strong and has a good weight (850g).
With paulownia strips the total weight full rigged is 16.4 kg. which is in my target (under 18 kg.). I also stretched Frej S to a 5.20m long. I'll take it to test in the water tomorrow and I really really excited how it'll be, as everyone who build it said it's a great boat. I'm already so much in love with it's shape and line already though XD.
I really like your design and might as well build another from your plan (maybe Panthera next ;)
I took Frej out to water last weekend and it really met all of my expectation. Thank you again for a great design. And about Frej page you can use my name as Pakin Nimmawitt. Wish you have a great time with paddling and teaching.