Nanoq – Paul Teather
den 28 juli 2017 (Nanoq, Sjösättning), 0 kommentarer

En mästerbyggare visar upp sin senaste: Paul Teather i Ontario, Canada med en nybyggd Nanoq...
"Hello Bjorn,
I have finished the Nanoq build from the plans that I received from you 2 or 3 months ago. The new owner is physically really large with a 47 shoe size, and wanted me to assure him he would be comfortable in the boat. I raised the front deck around 4 cm at the front of the coaming, and blended it forward on 3 stations. The lines on the kayak appear to be fine, and I did no other alterations to the design. There is carbon fibre on the outer hull and carbon/kevlar on the inner hull, with S-glass on the deck.
Thank you, Paul Teather"