Njord – John Kizziar
den 29 juni 2022 (Njord, Sjösättning), 0 kommentarer

"Hi Bjorn,
I am happy to report that my Njord launched successfully on the 31st of May. The lake was perfectly calm, so I will have to wait to test the “safe in all conditions” claim. My first impressions were extremely good.
I started building the starboard deck thinking I could use the same board for the entire width. Some of the strips I cut were too thin to be used, so I came up short. Rather than starting over, I decided to use a different board for the port decking. The resulting asymmetrical appearance is unique, but bright wood is always beautiful.
The kayak is 15kg, built to 560cm length. It has a wood bulkhead in front for foot-bracing, and two parallel foam bulkheads to support the rear deck and create a day-hatch. The skeg follows your plans. The seat is from redfish kayaks, the hatch hardware from pygmy kayaks, both purchased years ago but not used til now.
Thank you for your beautiful design. I also appreciate your webpages which are a continuing source of inspiration and good ideas.
John Kizziar
Spokane, WA, USA!