Njord – Luca Seganti
den 17 augusti 2017 (Njord, Sjösättning), 0 kommentarer

Ytterligare en Njord från Luca Seganti i Italien
"Ciao Bjorn,
I hope everything is fine with you…
Just few words to communicate that my second Njord has been completed and sea-tested.
I don’t have a lot of photos, just only one photo taken at my second house at the sea side where the “new” Njord is close to the “old” Njord.
The new one is a bit different from the old one. It’s 580cm long and it’s 1cm narrow (Ok..1 cm it’s nothing…) but the weight is lower, I think between 18 and 20Kg. I have to weight. The old is around 22Kg.
I just did almost 30Km during this last weekend and it seems (seems) to be faster, it’s easy to move at 9Km/h, stable like a Njord or better stable like my Old Njord, easy to roll, what I can say more? You designed the perfect Kayak or at least the perfect kayak for me.
Yesterday night it came back in Rome with me because there few stupid issues to fix. The hatches that are not watertight, the seat…small issues to fix.
Ah! I mounted an electric bilge pump ! So I can have a bath where I want, re-enter into the kayak with an eskimo and don’t worry about the water inside the kayak. And it works. See the Pictures.
And the Skeg is working fine. I attached a picture of the skeg while I was still working on it.
Then next week I’ll hope to be able to provide you with more nice photos for your Album.
Thanks a lot, Bjorn, again you designed the perfect kayak (for me)
9-10-11 of September we have the Ponza Island Tour (almost 70-90 kayakers, see Ponza and Palmarola in Google maps).
Then if you are in Italy and want to participate, well…Now I have a Njord for you !
Ciao, Luca"