Thursday, October 4, 2018 (Launchings, Nanoq), 0 comments
"Vil bare si at det har blitt sjøsatt en Nanoq til i Norge. Etter lange vurderinger og timesvis med lesning på din hjemmeside, så valgte jeg å kjøpe…
Tuesday, May 1, 2018 (Isfjord, Launchings), 0 comments
From Robert Moore in Indiana. "Bjorn Project is finally in the water. Isfjord was launched this past weekend. Hull is Redwood. Deck is Cedar with a P…
Tuesday, January 2, 2018 (Launchings, Panthera), 0 comments
A new Panthera from Saucier, Mississippi. "I've been thrilled with the comfort and performance of your Panthera L. My first strip built kayak. Wester…
Friday, September 8, 2017 (Frej, Launchings), 0 comments
New great photos from the Maine archipelago and the red Frej that David Long launched a year ago: "Hi Bjorn, Some more photos of my Frej in its secon…
Thursday, August 17, 2017 (Launchings, Singoalla), 2 comments
Launched – an unusually pretty and well constructed Singoalla for fishing and touring: "1/12 -16 köpte jag ritning på en Singoalla av dig. Bygget påb…
Friday, July 7, 2017 (Frej, Launchings), 1 comments
The first built by Axel Wolff in Arles, France: "Hi Björn, Well, it almost took 9 months to build my Frej, just like a baby. I did take my time and e…
Friday, November 4, 2016 (Launchings, Njord), 2 comments
A new Njord from down under (Tasmania). "Hi Bjorn,Thought I'd send you a photo of the new boat and a few words to put onyour web site. Launched the n…
Monday, October 24, 2016 (Frej, Launchings), 0 comments
Frej seems equally at home in antipodean waters ;-) "Hi Bjorn, I finally launched my Frej, in Melbourne, Australia. I must say, what a design! This b…
Wednesday, July 6, 2016 (Launchings, Panthera), 5 comments
Dan Caouette (Clear Stream Watercraft) in USA Northeast, who has built many of my kayaks on order has built one for himself. It is a Panthera, and as…
Wednesday, March 30, 2016 (Frej, Launchings, Panthera), 1 comments
From northern Finland, a couple of beautifully built kayaks finished just in time to get a brief taste of water before the sea froze over. Follow the…