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Ritningssats, Splash - 1 900 SEK Beställ

Splash är en kortare och bredare version av Spray, tänkt att i första hand vara en lätthanterad sommarstugekajak, motionskajak mm. Som rekreationskajak har en kort surfski en del fördelar: lätt och enkel att använda, inget kapell att ta på, enkel att bada från eller att rädda sig upp i kajaken efter en vurpa. För sådan paddling där man normalt inte tar på ett kapell kan Splash byggas utan läns. Det vatten som skvätter in är lätt att bli av med med en länspump eller en svamp. För tuffare förhållanden behövs en läns som på de flesta surfskis – en sådan tömmer sittbrunnen med hjälp av farten. Men det tar förstås lite längre tid att tömma brunnen eftersom en kort surfski har lite sämre fartresurser än en lång smal. Splash är 507 cm lång, 55 cm bred och lastar ca 130 kg på konstruktionsvattenlinjen. Med Splash kommer man snabbt och enkelt ut på vattnet - minimalt med förberedelser och ett fåtal prylar att hålla reda på: kajaken flytvästen och paddeln. Stabil nog för nybörjare men ändå kompetent i grov sjögång. Surfar fantastiskt bra jämfört med havskajaker i motsvarande storlek.

Mer info kommer...


Splash lines

Längd¹ 507/501 cm (total/kvl)
Bredd 55/52 cm (total/kvl)
Djupgående 12 cm
Deplacement/volym⁶ 130 kg/ liter
Användningsområde Rekreation och motion

¹ Dessa mått kan lätt ändras efter egna önskemål
² Beroende på träslag, utrustning, noggrannhet med slipning, laminering etc.
³ Marschfart resp. motsvarande toppfart. Värdena är från början teoretiskt uträknade (Crouch´s formel) och justerade efterhand som jag kan göra relevanta praktiska tester.
⁴ Släpmotståndet i 4 resp. 5 knop mätt i kp vid angiven lastkapacitet.
⁵ Initialstabilitet resp. slutstabilitet – 1 är mycket rank, 5 är mycket stabil.
⁶ Deplacement är kajak + paddlare + last. Räkna bort kajakens vikt för att få lastkapaciteten.

Ritningssats, Splash - 1 900 SEK Beställ


Hi, Björn.

I am always looking for a lighter, faster fishing kayak for Puget Sound and lakes around Seattle, WA. Would you advise using the Splash as a fishing kayak? I am debating between building the Jack 14 SOT and the Splash. I have never paddled a surfski, but I am coming from an old Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro TW and a fiberglass prototype of the Swell scupper 14 built by Tim Niemier. (~65cm wide, ~450cm long). The Jack seems fairly close to what I already paddle, and I like the aesthetics of the Splash if it will be stable enough...



It is impossible to quantify stability in a relevant way. Even the stability curves and figures published here and there is just a play with numbers since there is no consensus on how to define and measure that elusive quality. A kayak that for one paddler would be a challenge might for another be boringly stable.

I would say that Splash is 'sea kayak stable' and I would personally hesitate to use it for fishing. Jack 14, on the other hand, has a stability curve that lends itself nicely to fishing, hunting, photography, outdoor painting, etc.

But I have paddling friends, that would consider Splash excellent for fishing – enough initial stability and the added bonus that comes with less width: easier and more predictable movements in waves ;-)

Thanks! It sounds like the Jack 14 will be the better choice for fishing. The Splash is pretty, though. Maybe I just need a paddling surfski, since I have two kayaks that work for fishing as it is. :-)

Yes, that may be so. But when your fishing needs are fulfilled, one way or another, and if you are still tempted by surfskis, you should probably take a bolder step than Splash and focus on Spray, which can deliver much more of the surfski experience (speed and surfing potential), while still just a small step up from a standard sea kayak.

I noted from the Panthara notes that a stitch and glue version is available via workshops. I looked at the workshop links and saw that they still use forms but in reverse. Fixing ply to the inside shape of the forms that are set out in stations much the same way as a strip kayak. It looks like the forms are shaped to allow for ply sections. I am presuming this is possible for all kayak plans. It would take some working out on how best to shape the internal radius of the forms for the best ply panel options.

This site is the best resource by far for building wood kayaks and skis. Thank you for sharing Bjorn.

Thank you, Ian.

My kayaks are more or less round-hulled, are intended for strip building, and cannot be built using panels without remodeling.

Hard-chine versions are available for a few of my kayaks, and then only from Petruskajak: Frej, Panthera, Nanoq (named Alleq), Njord, and Black Pearl. These are supplied as;

1. kits containing CNC-cut hull and deck panels plus inner and outer station molds, and other parts as needed: epoxy, fiberglass, carbon cockpit rim and seat, carbon trays for hatches, skeg system, etc.

2. building classes at Petruskajak in Sweden, 8 days "all-inclusive ;-)"

3. finished kayaks.

For details, contact Petrus.

Hi - I was curious, how is the surf ski area created, is it carved from foam derived from some rough dimensions, and then covered in carbon or fiberglass ? I guess a hole is cut on the top part of the surf skin and the molded seat is dropped in after being built separate ? I am curious how this process works, as it is the only thing keeping me from buying the plans.

Thank you

This is the tricky part of an otherwise very easily constructed craft.

There are several ways to create a functional cockpit pod:

Fill the volume with lightweight foam, (vertical foam sheets precut to the lines on the drawings), fine-tune it to fit, and use it as it is – or laminated with fiberglass (or carbon) and epoxy,

or laminate a separate fiberglass/carbon/epoxy pod on the foam pod from the previous step and glue/laminate it to the deck,

or build the pod in wood strip, the same way the hull and deck are constructed,

or use an existing commercial surfski pod as a mold for a new lamination...

Some have used gypsum to create a mold. At least one builder covered wet cement in plastic and sat down in it to make a stable mold ;-)

The sky is the limit...

On the plans are the lines for a suggested generic pod, that can be used as a starting point for a pod that suits you.

Take a look at the photos of Spray and Spindrift. There are some nice interpretations of different ideas.

Searching for Spray and Spindrift on the site (upper right corner) renders posts on the launchings of these surfskis, sometimes with links to building logs, covering this in some detail.

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