den 20 december 2018 (Black Pearl, Sjösättning), 1 kommentarer

"Hej Björn
Då har mitt andra bygge, en Black Pearl blivit klar där slutvikten stannade på 14,7 kg. En vacker kajak som känns stabilare än väntat och rollvänlig som utlovat. Tidigare har jag paddlat VKV Seagull Elite under många år och på plattvatten känns BP lugnare, vi får väl se hur det blir i vind och sjögång.
Vill passa på att tacka för din support som varit till stor hjälp då det hakat upp sig i bygget och även möjligheten att kunna bolla diverse idéer-Tack!
Markus Loberg"
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den 4 december 2018 (Frej – sjösättning), 0 kommentarer

En Frej i Kina – mycket välbyggd av Chen Lichau i Fuzhou (ungefär mitt emellan Shanghai and Hongkong).
"Finally my Frej project was done! Almost 2 years!
I made her debut on water in a paddling marathon about 63km around the Nan Tai Island in Fuzhou, China in Dec 1, 2018.
I'm pretty satisfied with this build. In my opinion, It's not a efficient kayak for long touring. But It is fast enough... and easy to maneuver and easy to turn 90 degrees using your paddle. When skeg down, it tracks very well. Now I had trouble slipping my lower body into this ocean cockpit, haha. I need more exercises to get accustomed to the type of cockpit. The back deck is low. And without a backrest, I think it is a benefit when rolling. In the marathon, I jam the foam block of the lifejacket into between my lower back and back of cockpit rim so I feel comfortable in my lumbar. I'm planing to add a detachable backrest to it in case for a long trip.
It's not my first attemp in building kayak. Actually I had lots of experiences from previous builds. So this time I decided to make it different. I prototype many parts of the kayak, including seat, hatch cover, hatch gasket, cockpit rim and made moulds for them, yes, they were one-off mold... I used a lot of carbon in final product and I think that was cool. Oh, I mold my own buttom to make the seat mold, haha. In order to make it look awesome, I made a spray booth in my homeshop. I paint it automotive polyurethane acrylic paint, I looks gorgeous but in her debut, she got lots of scratch. Luckily it's not made out of steel."
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